Orin Apollon Albilon

Roleplayer Crystal, MateusWalk-Up & Tell Friendly PST (UTC/GMT -8)

The first thing that caught your attention was his cool and easy smile. His mouth seems to have been pulled at the corners into a perpetual state blending between flirtatious smirking and genuine happiness. His skin is thoroughly kissed by the sun, resting somewhere around the color of a light amber honey, occasionally flecked with gold when it hits the light just right. He’s largely free from any major scars or marks, save for if one were to look terribly closely at the way his myriad of cream colored tattoos lay across the surface of his skin. The tattoos themselves are beautiful in their own right. Intricate and detailed images of flowers and mehndi designs flow over his limbs to his wrists and ankles. Sometimes, when wearing the right attire, glimpses of the flowing design can be seen wrapping around his ribs and along his back. Sunstreaked deep brown hair falls haphazardly just below his shoulders, and is pulled into a lazy sort of half-up style purely for management's sake. Streaks of deep red shine through the browns as he moves. His bright, not-quite emerald eyes shine as they peek out from beneath a heavy fringe. There’s a tiredness to them, but they are full of light and a thirst for life. He’s tall for a rava viera, and rather well built compared to the lankier, more svelte males you’re used to; a testament to both his lineage and his occupation. As he moves by, you can catch the faintest scent of salty sea air mixed with worn leather, and the soft jingling of various keys, coins, and jewelry can be heard as they collide against his body. You see the flick of a soft tail, the twitch of a long slender ear, and he turns. That ever present smile flashes in your direction. His voice is deep, smooth, and slightly raspy as he speaks to you, revealing the speech patterns of a well traveled individual. Only the slightest hint of a Thavnarian accent slips out amongst a blend of others. “Have you been looking for me?”

Orin Apollon Albilon

♦ Gender: Cis Male
♦ Sexuality: Bisexual, Polyamorous
♦ Nameday: 11th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
♦ Guardian Deity: Azeyma, Oschon, Llymlaen, Menphina
♦ Age: 30
♦ Nationality: Thavnarian, Ala Mhigan
♦ Height: 6'4"
♦ Weight: 183lbs
♦ Build: Athletic build leaning brawny, mesomorph
♦ Eye Color: Olive Green
♦ Hair Color: Chocolate Brown with often dyed tips (red or teal)
♦ Scent: Sea Air, Sandalwood, Leather
♦ Distinguishing Marks: Geometric gold tribal markings along center of face, and a collage of white mandala and floral tattoos.
♦ Pronouns: He/Him
♦ Occupation: Owner of Moksha Exports
♦ Game Jobs: Monk/Dancer/Viper
♦ Alignment: Neutral, Good
♦ Romantic Partners: Benignus Bas Capella, Celina Levoux, Ariel Blewett
♦ Associations: Ariale Albilon (twin sister), Solace Dragonclaw (brother-in-law), Ridley Samal (dear friend), Oscar Octavius (friend), Alistair McCree (first mate)
♦ Speaking Voice: Oded Fehr
♦ Singing Voice: George Sheppard
♦ Combat Style:
Orin fights with his fists or with a pair of short swords. He has hybridized both monk and viper fighting styles, focusing on agility and speed over brute force, and combines this with some elements of dark knight spells. He has a latent healing ability which he has yet to explore, mostly manifesting as aetheric shielding over himself or another.
♦ Orin's Echo:
His echo allows him to have visions of the future, but its not very accurate in terms of time or space. It is only triggered by physical contact with an object or person, and is largely centered on events with high levels of emotional change. His echo has also afforded him rapid self-healing, allowing most non fatal wounds to heal within minutes without scarring.

About the Player:

Hello! I go by my character's name and pronouns unless you know me personally or are a member of my FC. I also go by Ari (my main). I'm a 37yr old RPer and artist with over 15 years of RP experience. While I don't take commissions anymore, you can gamble a chance at winning an art prize from me at one of the art parties at Oschon's Compass! You can often find me hanging out at the Quicksands or at my FC's house.IF I'M AFK I'M PROBABLY DRAWING!
Just shoot me a tell.
Please note that anything that occurs ICLY with Orin should not be taken as how I, the player, act or feel. I am in a committed relationship and have no interest in crossing into RL relations beyond friendship.This is an LGBTQ+ safe space!

RP Will and Won't:

♥ Treasure Hunting and Exploration
♥ Liberation Fighting and Rescues
♥ Ilsabard Contingent/Restoration Efforts
♥ Sparring and Casual Hangouts
♥ Mature/Romance Themes
♥ Group or 1 on 1

OC as WoL✗
ERP (Player is taken) ✗
Gore or Extreme Violence ✗
Mind Control ✗
Sexual Assault ✗